Welcome to the Chi Alpha at UVA podcast! Chi Alpha at the University of Virginia is a passionately devoted, diverse, missional community of the Spirit—building lifelong followers of Jesus. Here you will find all of the most recent messages from Monday Night Live, retreats, and seminars. You can find more content by visiting our website at www.xaatuva.com.

Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
Come & See: Jesus, the Thirst Quencher
Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
Where do you find your satisfaction? How can you find sustenance that actually lasts? In this week's episode, our campus pastor, Pete Bullette, discusses how Jesus is the ultimate giver of life and how our lives can be transformed when we simply ask to receive his living water. This is the third message of our series in the book of John, Come & See, where we are exploring what it means to seek Jesus and merge every aspect of our lives with his desire for us.

Tuesday Sep 14, 2021
The Gospel In A Nutshell
Tuesday Sep 14, 2021
Tuesday Sep 14, 2021
Where are you placing your identity? In this week's message, special guest speaker Ken Elzinga, an esteemed economics professor at UVA, discusses how aligning our lifestyles with gospel principles can have radical effects on our day-to-day lives.

Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
Come & See: Vintage Jesus
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
Will you obey Jesus and receive his transformational power? In this week's message, our campus pastor, Pete Bullette, speaks about how Jesus can transform us from the inside out, creating "new wine" where there was previously darkness. This is the second message of our series in the book of John, Come & See, where we are exploring what it means to seek Jesus and merge every aspect of our lives with his desire for us.

Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
Come & See: What Are You Pursuing?
Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
What do you seek? What will you pursue? In our first message of the year, our campus pastor, Pete Bullette, discusses how our lives can be radically changed when we decide to pursue Jesus over worldly desires. This is the first message of our series in the book of John, Come & See, where we are exploring what it means to seek Jesus and merge every aspect of our lives with his desire for us.